Showing posts with label abortion for. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abortion for. Show all posts

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Legal Protection for The Unborn

  This is the mindset that is behind everything that Life Dynamics does. We are fighting to return full legal protection for every unborn child, from the moment of conception. Because of this our motto is, "Pro-Life: without compromise, without exception, without apology." Life Dynamics

 Thank you for your time! 

See the pages above for more information. 

God bless! 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hippocratic Oath

A Look At The Hippocratic Oath!

Would The Father Of Medicine Be Proud Of Medicine Today?

   The Hippocratic Oath is a traditional acknowledgment of the responsibility acquired by those who obtain the title of physician before graduating from medical school and entering the world of medicine on their own. The Hippocratic Oath was first seen in the 5th century BC and is one of the oldest binding documents in history and was once seen as the authority to physicians medical practices.

Websters dictionary explains the Hippocratic Oath as such "an oath embodying a code of medical ethics usually taken by those about to begin medical practice"

Many people believe that the Father of medicine Hippocrates first penned the document but it emerged a century later and may not have been written by Hippocrates himself. Hippocrates was born between 470 and 460 B.C. to a family that claimed descent from Asclepius the Greek god of healing and the son of Apollo.

Hippocrates was part of a long Greek medical tradition. Hippocrates is credited with the earliest extant medical writings. Of these, few are probably genuinely the products of Hippocrates, but some are accepted as such, including the famous "Oath" which in addition to all else shows that 5th century B.C. physicians were already organized, trained and served as disciples.

Hippocrates believed that the physician was to be one who did good, had common sense and nobility. Since the 5th century those who entered into the world as physicians were required to recite the Hippocratic Oath which according to the oath is a legally and morally binding covenant before the gods. Keep in mind that Hippocrates was a fifth century polytheist from the Greek culture in which he lived.

The thing to note here is that the Oath was a covenant which according to tradition is morally binding and superior to any old promise. In the ancient times a Covenant was not only a promise to ones colleagues but an acknowledgment that one will not forsake his family. Hippocrates believed in the family bond of those who were called to the discipleship of medicine to serve their fellow man. A far cry from how medicine actually is practiced today in some form or another. The classic Hippocratic Oath was used until 1964 when a new modern version was penned by Louis Lasagna.

As the centuries raged on and people traveled the world even more new philosophies were created and people continued to rebel from the authorities that they once respected to guide them throughout their lives. Rebellion such as the reformation in the 1600's followed by the escape from British rule in the new world, the American Revolution. I don't feel that people are much different now than they were in Hippocrates' day although much has changed.

Those who came before us have changed this world, these changes have lead to a rebellion on an even larger scale. Many people no longer value authority over their own judgment this has caused the break down of the family which opens the door to further break down in all other areas. Children rebelling against their parents on a larger scale and parents rebelling against their children!

Little is sacred in the modern world that is why over the centuries the Hippocratic Oath has taken the back seat and is no longer taken seriously by many physicians. For the most part the oath has lost it effectiveness and is no longer seen by many as an authority bonded by tradition and a higher moral calling to fellow human beings.

Today few medical schools require students to recite the classical version of the Hippocratic Oath. I feel that the use of abortion in medicine is largely to blame for the reformation of the classic Hippocratic Oath which states,

"I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art."

Even though abortion was not yet legally recognized during the revisions of the Oath in 1964 it was practiced by many physicians, we did not see the legalization of abortion for personal use until 1973. In fact some form of abortion and infanticide has always been practiced by many throughout history. The new tragedy is the legalization of abortion for personal use like we have seen since 1973.

Today the Oath makes no mention of the gods, abortive agents, or keeping the sick from harm or injustice. Surprisingly, I have to say that I am not entirely disappointed with the new version of the oath, although one verse jumps out at me. I will get to that in a minute. Considering that today Doctors come held to so many different religious and cultural backgrounds. I would say that a reform of the Oath was in order and long over due in many respects.

What bothers me is that many physicians do not take even the modern oath seriously even though it uses phrase's such as "covenant", "avoiding over treatment", and "I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being."
With the rise in malpractice, over treatment of drugs and procedures, and the assembly line practices of doctors, and the experimental and harmful practice of human guinea pigs! How can one say that most doctors even follow the modern version of the Hippocratic Oath?

You can read the modern Oath in a minute. They leave so much room for any doctor to apply his/her own philosophies when treating patients that the new Oath literally left the door wide open for Roe VS Wade, euthanasia, and doctor assisted suicide, which by the way has nothing to do with health care and cures nothing!

The verse that really jumped out at me is this one "Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God."

The modern version of the Oath states that a doctor has the power to take a life and that this power is an awesome responsibility for the humble physician. There is that open door I was talking about and guess what happened? Today doctors take the lives of thousands of innocent human beings everyday and it is justified by the Oath as well as their own philosophies that lead them to believe that they are doing good!

"Above all, I must not play at God." What does this mean anyway? I have heard about not playing God but that wouldn't have worked for the Oath since the previous statement give a physician the right to take a life. I guess they felt that they had to include God somewhere in the oath and in fact this is the only place God is mentioned. Physicians are justified to do abortions at any stage of pregnancy, offer assisted suicide to their patients, prescribe harmful drugs that had little to no clinical testing as well as offer euthanasia to those afflicted with aging family members! As long as they don't play at God lol!

In conclusion, It was interesting learning about the Hippocratic Oath and I hope that you are equally as interested because of this article. My hope is that medical practices improve and physicians can become more like what Hippocrates envisioned, a calling to serve their fellow man. Not just a job but a real calling to do good! To those physicians who do practice medicine in this way, thank you! But we need your voice to make the changes we need!

 Thank you for reading! 

See the pages above for more information. 

God bless! 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Thinking About Abortion?

Pregnant women should think twice before aborting their beautiful baby. You might be having a hard time now but life gets better for you and your infant child.

 Thank you for your time! 

See the pages above for more information. 

God bless! 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Size of Fetus | Does Size Matter?

The Pro-Life position is philosophically sound, logical as well as moral, please read on.

There are four main differences between the fetus (unborn human in the fetal stage) and a new born. Those differences are:

1. size of fetus
2. level of development
3. environment
4. degree of dependency 

In this post and subsequent posts, I will be addressing all four of these differences. You will see that the Pro-Life position is philosophically sound, logical and moral. Keep in mind that when the term "fetus" is used we are referring to a fetus that has human parents. The term "fetus" is a medical term derived from Latin meaning "offspring". If the offspring has human parents then the fetus is indeed human.

1. Size: It is a fact that the human fetus is smaller than he or she will be as a new born. From the moment of conception and on the fetus does a lot of growing and changing. Science tells us that something that is alive will grow and change, this is the two main characteristics of something that is alive. By 9 weeks every essential organ has begun to form in the fetus' tiny body, even though it still weighs less than an aspirin. The hair and nipple follicles are forming, and the eyelids and tongue have begun formation. The elbows and toes are more visible as the trunk begins to straighten out. At this time everything is present that will be at birth.

So does size determine our status as human being? Is it morally justified to kill a human being as long as it is small enough? So does size determine who is a human being and who is not? No it does not but if it did, a human fetus is indeed not Human, or less Human than a new born because of its size. This would have to also be true throughout human life, through other stages in development. A new born would then be less human than a toddler and a toddler would be less human than a teenager and a full sized adult. What about those People who are dwarfs or "little people" does their size make them less Human? Would you dare go up to a little person and tell them that they are less human than an averaged size person? I think not, I am sure their was probably a point in history where the dwarf person was viewed as not Human or less Human, that is clearly not the case today. In fact society would look down on that type of discrimination (size discrimination). Many people say that abortion up to 3 months is OK because the baby is small and has not developed enough yet. But as I already stated by 8 weeks or 2 months the unborn human being has already developed everything he or she will need for birth, just not fully developed enough to be born. Size is not the issue and clearly irrelevant to the issue of abortion. Just as size makes no difference in determining who is a human being or not while we are born you can not say that this would be any different in our unborn stages. Size is irrelevant to the issue of abortion.

Stay tuned for more:

Please check out our fetal development page, unborn human development...

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Anti-Abortion = Anti kill a baby! Pro-life, pro-unborn human rights.

Life Begins at conception, Mothering begins at conception!

"Today I will be better then I was yesterday"

Remember that everyday is a new day and every min is a opportunity for change.

I am pro-life and pro-unborn human rights, I drawl no line between our unborn stages in development and Born stages in development! At the moment of conception we are all created equal and Good, life must be equally protected in our unborn stages as it is when we are Born!

Healing After Abortion

For Information: Visit

Youth Outreach

The pro-life position is not anti woman, we are anti kill a baby! The most innocent among us all!

In fact if life did not begin at conception and the unborn was merely a lifeless blob then we would not be anti abortion either!

In order for an abortion to take place a unborn baby, Human life must die!

Abortion = a dead baby! it can equate to nothing else!

We believe in Woman's rights, but not at the expense of the Unborn Human beings Human rights!

Sunday, December 18, 2011



There must be life first, or nothing will even begin to grow or change. When the human sperm and ovum come together, they ignite the spark of human life! A new human being is now created.. Without life a pregnancy will  not continue.

We cannot see life, we can only see those who are alive, and other creations that contain life, and live but we cannot see life. Yet we know it is there or everything is just a figment of our imaginations, even the atheists believe in life even though they have never seen life, they have only seen what is alive, that which contains life.

What is life?

life is a part of the mysterious part of our world, the invisible part of our world, which is as real as you and me! Life cannot be bought, sold or contained, it is a part of every living thing in the whole universe, from the tiniest micro organism to the tallest tree! Life has existed from the beginning, the very first in our universe, if this were not true then we would not be here let alone anything else.

Life was here first!

I was walking with my son one day, and we were talking about how God is a part of everything he created, and if something contains life that is because God is present within it! If God decided to remove himself from us we would die, God is not only the source of life, but life itself, himself, that is why we cannot see life in its natural form, because it's God! We are created in the image, and likeness of God, he allows himself to be a part of us, so we can be alive, this is so amazing to me!

What makes us human?

Is it our arms and legs? No, even animals have those.
Is it our eyes and noses? NO, even animals have them too!

It must be that we can talk, but even a parrot can say as much as a one year old! It must be that we are intelligent, true we are intelligent life forms, but nothing in this universe is without intelligence, even ant colonies will act in an intelligent way. Honestly I have met some not so intelligent people and they are still human lol!.

We are human beings because we have a soul, and are created in the image of God.

That is something missing in the pro-choice agenda, they miss this truth. They say it is a zygote, it is not a human person, it can't live on its own, or breath air! The truth is all we need is a source of life, and a soul to be living human beings! That is all, and only God can give that to us, all of the other human characteristics we have are only perks, we are special in the universe, set a part from any-other of Gods creations!

God wants us to know how special we are in the universe so we can take him seriously, that is why we are so different even with our similarities to other species we still remain special and unique, we must remember that.

The pro-life message is one of truth, forgiveness, humility, love, and understanding! And as I write this I think of one person who said " I am the way, the truth, and the life!" as pro-life individuals we stand for the only truth there is!

Keep up the good work, and do more when you can, pray, and act that is how it is done!

These are my thoughts and I am sticken to it lol!

Never stop defending life!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Abolish Human Abortion: "Effect Abolition" -PZ

A spoken word piece written and performed by a member of The Abolitionist Society of Oklahoma and filmed, edited, and directed by another member of the society.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Flight to Light, Life Starts Now (a pro life rock song)

Music Video for The Flight to Light's pro life song Life Starts Now. Please "like" and share it with 10 of your friends, by clicking the icons below. Help get 1,000,000 views for life by April 17th (the end of the spring 40 Days for Life Campaign)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Love and Life: Pray that hearts, minds, Laws and history will be changed...

Love and Life: Pray that hearts, minds, Laws and history will be changed..

Rev 12:11 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.

Read Melody's story about her abortions, the pain that came after and her new found life of forgiveness, strength and faith!

"I still find myself morning my unborn children at times. I know the truth now. It still pains me to know that my children could feel and reach out while they were tore apart by a machine."

Should A Mother Have An Abortion If The Mother Is Going To Die When She Gives Birth To Her Baby?

This question was posted in another place so I wanted to make a post and address this issue.

Should A Mother Have An Abortion If The Mother Is Going To Die When She Gives Birth To Her Baby?

There are a couple things we must remember here.

1. Abortion in these cases are literally less than 1% of all abortions performed in the US, this does not make it OK I just want people to understand how rare it is. Most abortions are done for none medical reasons.

2. Who says the mother is going to die? The doctor lol! Is he or she God, do they know all,l and can they say they know with 100% accuracy that the mother will die? Even if they could is it OK to kill a innocent baby because he/she may have to live the rest of their life without their mother? How many born children and adults live without their mothers? Should they no longer be allowed to live like some say about the unborn?

People who justify abortion on the bases of self defense or to save the life of the mother are assuming that the surgical abortion procedure is safer than the child birth it self. Logically if a woman is so sick that she can't even give birth to her child why would it be any safer to give her a surgery to kill her child? This is not logical do they not know that the mother still has a risk of death during an abortion. In fact since the legalization of abortion 347 known cases of healthy woman have died because of so called safe legal abortions, take an unhealthy woman and give her an abortion and her chance of death from the procedure would be even greater logically! See the Blackmun Wall  for information of the documented cases of woman who have died from legal abortion.  The truth is doctors don't know not even a small fraction of everything that can and will happen to our bodies, they are often wrong to say the least. It is not for them to say if a mother will live or die in fact they could not even tell you with 100% accuracy that the mother will in fact die, that is impossible. Even if a doctor could be right most of the time and  tells a woman she has a 50% chance of death so she should have an abortion to spare her child a life without her, if anything that means she has a 50% chance of living! Even if the doctor can say she has a 70% chance at death after birth that means she has a 30% chance of living! Even if the doctor can say the mother has a 80% chance of death after birth, that means she has a 20% chance of living!

As mother of two I would not ever think about killing my unborn child on the bases that a doctor has told me I may die in child birth, not even if He told me I had a 99% chance of death! That still leaves a 1% chance of living to be with my family and dam it I will take that 1% and I will do what ever is possible for me and my baby to come out alive! If that is not the case, then at least I can die in peace knowing that I chose for my child to live! Even if we both died, at least we tried!

"I would rather die allowing my child to live, than live knowing I killed my child!"

Many pro-choicers claim that we pro-lifers want the human fetus (unborn human being) to have more rights than the mother, or they say that we think that the human fetus is more important than his/her mother. This is not the case and being a life long educated pro-lifer I can safely say, that is not true!  We don't think that the unborn human being is more important than the mother, we say they have equal importance! Both lives must be treated as equally worthy of the right to life, so those caring for them must work to the preservation of both lives!

The pro-choicers say that "A fetus is not viable until 24 weeks. Viable means it can survive outside the womb and until 24 weeks this is impossible." That is the pro-choice concept of viable and I can tell you about those who are born and don't even fit this description of viable! Viability is no excuse to brutally murder and innocent human life! The unborn human person is viable as long as his/her basic needs are met, no different from anyone of us. Food, water and shelter! The mothers womb provides all three.

Abortion In Self Defense?

They use pregnancy as a euphemism for baby, but they can't tell us what the baby did wrong to want to kill his/her own mother and deserve the death penalty! They say it is legal to kill someone who is not viable as in those on life support. They  live in a world that determines right and wrong by if it is legal or not! Would those same people consider heroin use morally right if it is  made legal, and then do nothing when your child came home with it? They think that it is OK to kill your own child simply because a doctor says you may die.

What about ectopic pregnancy?

I want to make it clear that when we are talking about abortion to save a mothers life we are not referring to an ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy is not a induced abortion!! It is a emergency surgical procedure intended to remove the tube that has the implanted embryo/baby inside. The intent is not to kill the child but to save the mother from rupture, THE BABY WILL NOT AND COULD NOT SURVIVE in the tube if left alone as it would in the womb provided that miscarriage does not take place.What we are including in this issue is an abortion on any unborn baby that could have otherwise been treated along with the mother. The pro-life position simply wants the life of both mother and baby to be treated equally not to intentionally kill the baby in order to save the mother.

Of course all situations of this nature are unique and must be treated as such. The pro-life position only wants the basic fundamental right to life of both mother and child to be recognized but not at the expense of one over the other!

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Unborn Human Rights
Founded in 2008 Unborn Human Rights has reached thousands of people and counting, with the pro-life message. With your support we can do even more. 100% of your donation is used to support the work of Unborn Human Rights. For information about the goals of Unborn Human Rights see blog. Together we can educate people about the truth of abortion and adoption education. If you would like to contribute content to this blog contact Joann Utke. Please donate and help us continue to spread the message that says, We Can Love Them Both!

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