Showing posts with label unborn human rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unborn human rights. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

My Message To Women

You are beautiful and you deserve better than abortion! You are not the sum of your weaknesses and failures. You are the sum of your Heavenly Father’s love for you and your real capacity to become the image of His Son!

Today's "feminism" (which is a false feminism) says you need abortion because you are not good enough to be a mom, That this world isn't good enough for your child and you are some how complete if you choose to free yourself of your own child!

Today's "women's rights" tells you that it's your right to kill your own child, you have the right to do what you want with your body. But your child growing in your body, is not your body. Your baby who is growing and changing inside of you.

PAY ATTENTION when anyone tells you that you can do what you want with your body, they are teaching you to EXPLOIT yourself. And leading you to commit murder of your own child! If YOU WOMAN can exploit even yourself, what is going to stop men or anyone from exploiting you?

Hold yourself to a higher standard then that because YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! Even if you have made a mistake or the man you loved walked away from you. Every day is a new day to change and you are powerful and good enough just the way you are. You don't have to kill your own child to prove that!

You are capable and you got this!

And that is the truth!


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 For more information check out the tabs at the top of this site. 

God bless! 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Images Of Abortion

  I was recently asked me how I felt about the use of the images that show aborted babies. I felt that it was an important issue that I wanted to talk about on this blog. 

Images of aborted babies are frequently used publicly by pro-life groups, side walk protests, and many pro-life websites. Here at Unborn Human Rights we do use the images and feel that if used in the right way they can be very power tools for getting the message out there about what abortion is, and what is does to a unborn baby!

For many people seeing is believing!

Father Frank Pavone of Priests For Life says that "America will not reject abortion until America can see abortion." Also stated on the Priests For Life site: 

"Only seeing such images of abortion can bring us to the kind of indignation needed to sustain the sacrifices that will be necessary to finally bring an end to this injustice. We have been urging the mass media to show the American people what an abortion is by showing the pictures of aborted babies. Abortion is a reality which is so horrific that words alone can never convey its meaning. It’s especially critical to show people the images of babies aborted in the first trimester. It is in regard to such children, who constitute 90% of abortion victims, that the myth persists that they are not really children at all."

Many people however don't agree with using the images while many do. Pro-lifers them self are divided in some cases by this issue and some I feel use them to much or irresponsibly.

If you watch our videos at the Unborn Human Rights channel on You Tube you will see many videos labeled (WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES)
. I do feel that a responsible use of these images is in order taking into consideration those who may be to young to view them and or just not ready for it.

In a public setting many pro-life groups use huge blown up photos of aborted babies these images do the trick in getting the attention of the public and making them think twice about abortion.

Many people have changed their stance on abortion or turned away from the use of abortion as a choice after seeing these images. So they do work! There is no denying that abortion kills a human being, a tiny human baby after seeing these images!

Even still there is a right, and wrong way to use the images and we must be very careful about the over use of these images. Today in this world and more specifically in America people are desensitized to many evils in my opinion. As a pro-lifer I know the last thing we want is for people to see these images so much that they begin to become desensitized to them!

At the same time many people remain ignorant to the horrors of abortion and seeing is believing for many people. In a article written by Father Frank Pavone concerning the use of aborted baby images he states: 

"The word abortion has lost practically all its meaning. Not even the most vivid description, in words alone, can adequately convey the horror of this act of violence. Abortion is sugar-coated by rhetoric which hides its gruesome nature. The procedure is never shown in the media. Too many people remain either in ignorance or denial about it, and hence too few are moved to do something to stop it. Graphic images are needed. A picture is worth a thousand words -- and in this battle, it can be worth many lives as well."

I suggest that you read this article here, Should We Use Graphic Images?

Is using the images of aborted babies exploiting the bodies of the babies shown in them?

Many people may wonder if it is ethical to show these tiny dead bodies in order to promote the pro-life message. I can assure you that those who use these images are not exploiting these babies in their use of the images! these images are meant to save mommies and babies from abortion! 

What worse then showing the images is the abortion itself! 

We are dealing with is an industry that refuses to show women ultrasound images of their very own baby prior to them consenting to an abortion.  Abortion providers use words like "contents of the uterus" to explain what is being removed from the mother.

Women are told that there is no baby, it is not a human anyway, it is nothing, and other language that is meant to conceal the truth about what abortion really is! We have a responsibility to society to uncover the lies told by the abortion industry!

We owe it to women and society to show what abortion is by using these images! I believe that the souls of these babies are in heaven praying for their parents, and an end to abortion.

They no longer have any need of their bodies. What you are seeing in the graphic images is the proof of what abortion does to that tiny body causing the end to their life, a life that was taken from them by their own mother and father.

If we can use their story, their images to save others that is what we must do! What is at stake here is the lives of innocent human beings. There are about 4,000 abortions per day in this country alone!

To see an example of what the abortion industry is all about watch this video:

On a more positive note is the use of fetal development images which I feel are many times equally as powerful as the aborted baby images. With fetal development pro-lifers can focus on the positive side of the abortion issue showing mothers and people in general the miracle that is taking place inside the womb.

Here at Unborn Human Rights we use lots of fetal development facts and images. This approach is great to use when there will be small children present or others who may be sensitive to the abortion images. My own children for example have not seen the images of abortion, not yet. They have seen however lots of amazing fetal development images and we talk about the miracle of life all the time.

I feel for small children this is sufficient enough and it doesn't take long before even young children realize the horrors of abortion without having to see the graphic images. For many people fetal development images is enough for them to take a strong stance against abortion.

I always say that if a young girl is old enough to have an abortion she is old enough to see what abortion really is! So, I wouldn't worry to much about children 12 and up viewing the graphic abortion images. This is why in my videos you won't see a 18 or older warning just a general warning to the public prior to viewing the videos.

In conclusion:

Perhaps what we need is the responsible use of aborted baby images. Perhaps a flip book on the table of a pro-life event would be better than the huge images plastered everywhere, while in other cases the huge signs will work better.

All pro-life work is not created equal so we need to use our good judgement and prayerful consideration in any given situation it is no different with pro-life work.

We need to do what is best at the time to get the message across to people and save babies!
Remember desperate times call for desperate measures!

Over all I think the use of the images are a productive method of reaching people. If people are offended by them, well then I am sorry to say it, but they should be! Abortion is not a nice thing, it is ugly, it is overwhelming, but people won't change what they don't acknowledge.

People must know what they are choosing when they choose abortion:


Thank you for taking the time to read this post. Keep on defending life, save mommies and babies from abortion! You can help do this by sharing Unborn Human Rights videos and posts.

You can also hook up with us on facebook

Until next time remember Unborn Human Rights = Human Rights for us all!

 Thank you for reading! 

See the pages above for more information. 

God bless! 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Unborn Human Rights Donation Center

Unborn Human Rights Donation Center Information

Unborn Human Rights is a pro-life ministry that was founded in 2008. Unborn Human Rights began with a simple You Tube page that has collectively gotten almost 200,000 views on it's pro-life videos. It has since expanded to a Facebook page and blog.


Unborn Human Rights is continually working towards further expansion and reaching more and more people with the pro-life message. It is the goal of those at Unborn Human Rights to reach those contemplating abortion in a loving and direct way with good and true information.

It is also the goal of Unborn Human Rights to reach pro-lifers them self. There is a great need to strengthen and further educate those who honestly want to see and end to abortion but do not know how to talk about it with others effectively.

We do this by offering videos and articles about abortion with content that is honest and to the point. We also have a Pro-Life Apologetics page that while in it's infancy is a great tool for further education in the art of explaining and defending the pro-life position. Our goal for Pro-Life Apologetics is to expand it to a download-able e book form and offered to members.

Also in the works is a pro-life starter kit, this kit will include various different pro-life merchandise that will enable any pro-lifer to get started spreading the pro-life message.

Further Expansions....

Unborn Human Rights seeks to further expand the blog, we need to obtain a domain name, auto responder technology and hosting account so that we will  be able to enable Unborn Human Rights to have a stronger foundation here on the Internet.

Also in the works for Unborn Human Rights Ministries will be a great email campaign (this is where the auto responder will come in) that will be able to reach our members with great pro-life information, answering questions, and news concerning Unborn Human Rights.

Further future expansions will include, pod casts, more videos, special events, continued blog posting, e books and offline outreach. Offline outreach will include donations and support of pro-life pregnancy centers, walk for life campaigns, specific Unborn Human Rights events, youth outreach and life outreach to those contemplating abortion.

But to do all of this we need support!

We are also in the process of establishing Unborn Human Rights as a official none profit organization and obtaining a P.O. Box.

This means a better outreach, more information and saving more mommies, daddies and babies from abortion!

If you would like to be a part of all of this please consider making a donation, all donations will be used to implement all of these needed expansions.

Short Term Goal...

Currently our goal is to get the much needed domain names, auto respond-er and hosting account needed to set Unborn Human Rights on top of a solid foundation.

With this solid foundation we can continue to offer the great information that we have been as well as offer even more to our members in the form of down loadable e books, pod casts, emailing, Q and A messages, and crisis pregnancy outreach.

Your donations will be reflected in the look and presentation of our site. We will also create a blog post offering detailed information about how your money was spent.

Any amount of money you can give is appreciated and we thank  you : )

Please donate by using the button below, or on the side of this blog.

Thank You for your support and continued involvement in the pro-life movement, together we can make a difference and turn hearts and minds away from abortion for good!

Sincerely, The Unborn Human Rights Team : )

Friday, March 16, 2012

Fr. Frank Pavone at the National Memorial for the Unborn | Freedom For The Unborn!

Priests for Life presents the speech given by Fr. Frank Pavone at the 2012 National Memorial for the Unborn, held in Washington D.C. For more updates and pro-life resources, please visit

 Thank you for reading! 

See the pages above for more information. 

God bless! 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Pro-life Pro-Choice

  Although we all have a part in the issue of abortion, we are either a part of the problem or solution. But it is women who need to stand up and take charge! Imagine if even a small number of all pro-choice women stood up for life and changed their stance what an impact this would be. The bottom line is this, abortion is a product a service sold to many but it is the woman who must give consent to this. If there is not enough money in it PPH, NAF and others would not sell abortions! If there is no market for it, it just won't happen and it wouldn't be legal so that a small handful of women could obtain them, despite what they would like us to believe.


Take a stand for life, join us on Facebook and tell your friends to stand for life to!

 Thank you for reading! 

See the pages above for more information. 

God bless! 

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Living things, abortion and human beings!

I wanted to say something here about, living things, abortion, and human beings. In elementary school we are taught about living things, and that a living thing is something that will grow, and change. This is very simple, that is how we determine what is alive, and what is not. As you know we live in a living world, there is life all around us, as human beings we must eat living foods for our body, and mind to function its best.

I mentioned that we tell if something is alive or not by two basic characteristics, does it grow, and does it change? As a pro-life person, as in, anti abortion choice, I must bring this up. The fetus is alive from the moment of conception, it is growing and changing! It is wrong to kill it because it is a human being, not only because it is alive. Not only is it a living human being, it is among the most innocent, and vulnerable of our society, a human child!

The pro-abortion choice agenda allows it to be legal to kill these innocent, and vulnerable human beings for any reason! Not only that, the culture of death we are living in which was created by this very agenda, is now making it legal to abort the fully born, weak, and vulnerable human beings. Like the elderly people killed by euthanasia, and allowing the "hopeless" to have them selves "aborted" using assisted suicide!

As well as those babies who do survive the abortion attempts, who are then put on a shelf to suffocate to death! These things are "abortion on the born" If you think it will stop there you are wrong, the door is opened, and evil has walked through it! If you support any one of these things you are supporting evil, and the evil that comes with it! Yes I am being blunt but you know what, I won't tell you what you want to hear. I will tell you the truth.

I am using the word abortion in the sense that it means to abort a human life, or to terminate a human life, abort to put it simply, means to terminate something in this case a human life as we know it.

In all of the killing techniques I have mentioned, the human beings life is terminated by the will of another human being, even with assisted suicide no matter what, it is murder ( the unlawful killing of one human by another, especially with premeditated malice.) I am not saying that all abortion choicers (or pro choicers) are in favor of these other types of legal human life terminating techniques, but if you do or not you are just as much a part of it as the ones who created, and implement these things. Even if you take no stand on either direction your silence is approval!

Like I teach my kids if you see someone doing something that you know is wrong, and do nothing, then you are also to blame for the wrong thing that was being done!

We must always stand for life, we must always work to protect the lives of innocent human beings no matter what condition they are in, no matter how hopeless they or you think their life or situation is! There is always hope, and we must all love them, and never abandon them in their most needed time in their life!

We must not abandon that pregnant mother who feels hopeless, and allow her to see killing her child as an option, as a choice. We must teach that a mother must always save the life of her child when faced with the choice. This is a good start anyway in conquering the culture of death.

Will all murder and evil acts stop in this life? NO, unfortunately there will always be murder as there always has been. We will always have mothers killing their children, and brothers killing brothers! Does this mean in a civilized, and democratic society we should tolerate the legal, and un-prosecutable evil acts that plague our world? NO, we should not! As a human being I will not!  As a Christian I will not! As a spiritual person I will not! As a human being you should not either!

Should we make evil acts legal so that the evil doer can have a safe, and clean environment in which to do the evil act? NO, absolutely not, just because something can be done legally in a clean room does not for one second make it right! legal abortion makes as much sense as legal rape, legal drunk driving, legal child abuse, legal slavery!

Think about it!

Those are my thoughts and I am sticken to them!
Please read my companion article titled LIFE!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Life at Conception Act (S. 91) !

     On January 25, 2011, Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS) introduced the Life at Conception Act (S. 91).  This is A bill to implement equal protection under the 14th article of amendment to the Constitution for the right to life of each born and unborn human person. This legislation would define personhood and human life as beginning at the moment of conception.

Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS) is sponsoring the Life at Conception Act (S.91), which will define personhood from the moment of conception. Sen. Wicker has 13 co-sponsors thus far. Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) has introduced a parallel bill in the House (H.R.374) which currently has 53 co-sponsors.

If this bill is enacted into law, it thus will not only provide protection for unborn babies, it will follow the path Justice Blackmun laid out 38 years ago for overturning Roe v. Wade, an act of judicial activism that has led to the deaths of 53 million infants before they have drawn their first breath.

In Harry Blackmun's 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling, he wrote that "if personhood is established, the appellant's case (i.e., 'Roe'), of course collapses, for the fetus' right to life is then guaranteed specifically by the [14th] amendment."

Remember to call or send a message by e mail or letter to your representatives to tell them that you support this act and you want them to do the same!

useful links:

Senate bill: S.91

Representative bill: H.R. 374

Friday, February 4, 2011

Pro-Choice Abortion!

The Real Question! No Its Not: Does Abortion Kill A Human Being? 
        Abortion is the intentional killing of an innocent human being! aka murder. The abortionists know it, pro choice people know it, Planned Parenthood and National Abortion Federation know it!

* The question is not, does abortion kill a human being? We have known this to be true all along! We know the unborn human fetus is in fact a human being, growing and changing in their mothers womb! Science proves this.....

* The real question is why people feel that a mother should have the legal right to kill her own child before he or she is even born! Is it because we would see through allowing woman to kill their child after birth? 

The truth is Planned Parenthood, the National Abortion Federation and the like, have made them selves a business out of killing unborn human beings and they don't stop their since the legalization of abortion over 300 woman have been documented as dead by abortion! They are listed here on the Blackmun Wall..

Their is no justification the unborn human beings are alive, growing and changing inside his or her mothers womb! Sadly today with 3,000 babies being killed daily by induced abortion the most dangerous place on earth is the womb of a pro choice mother!!

Nothing else that human beings have ever come up with has killed as much people as abortion has! The abortion pictures are only proof that the unborn human person is in fact a human being and abortion does brutally kill that person! Not new information since the abortionists and clinic workers have seen this not in pictures but in there own hands every day since it was abortion was invented!! The abortionists look at pictures of aborted babies and say, so whats new?

But abortion is not wrong because the fetus looks human! Abortion is not wrong because the fetus has a heart beat after about 21 days! Abortion is not wrong because the unborn have potential to do things later in life! Abortion is not wrong because it is surgery! Abortion is not wrong because the fetus may be able to feel pain and can feel pain at some point!

Abortion is wrong because it is the intentional killing of a innocent human beings who deserves to live and deserves a mother!

It does not matter what the reasons are! It is what it is....

When a killer is facing a trial we are not concerned with why he killed that person? We only are concerned with the truth that he did it or not!

Stand up for the right to life in all stages of human life!

Make it known that you want the unborn included in the human rights act! Let it be known that you want equality for the unborn human person and their mother! Let it be known that we do not want our sisters and brothers to be scammed and lied to by the abortion providers!

Tell everyone what abortion really is do not settle for any arguments this is a black and white issue. Something is either wrong or right!

Use my videos and others like them to educate people you can see them at You Tube. Also see unborn Human Rights on Face Book.

Help protect the right to life, liberty and happiness of all human beings no matter what stage in life they happen to be in!

For more information:

Crisis pregnancy:

Post abortive:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

National Abortion Federation On Partial Birth Abortion Part 1

NAF abortionists and clinic workers talking about the partial birth abortion choice, explaining how partial birth abortions are done.

"yes you are killing a baby and how do you feel about that?"

National Abortion Federation On Partial Birth Abortion Part 2

For more information:
Crisis pregnancy:
Post abortive:

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Unborn Human Rights
Founded in 2008 Unborn Human Rights has reached thousands of people and counting, with the pro-life message. With your support we can do even more. 100% of your donation is used to support the work of Unborn Human Rights. For information about the goals of Unborn Human Rights see blog. Together we can educate people about the truth of abortion and adoption education. If you would like to contribute content to this blog contact Joann Utke. Please donate and help us continue to spread the message that says, We Can Love Them Both!

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