Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Fetal Development

At the moment of conception the spark of life ignites and a miracle happens. This tiny human being has just begun it's new life! All this person needs is food, water and shelter. In the course of his/her life this person will grow and change in many, many ways. This person like all people will also go by many titles. Zygote, embryo, fetus, child, teenager and adult. There must be life first or nothing can begin to grow and change. Learn fetal development, see the miracle!
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Please check out our fetal development page for more information on your developing baby.

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What Is Abortion?

On this post I will be answering the question, what is abortion?

This embryo is about 6 weeks
    The answer is very simple. Lets start with the definition of abortion.

Abortion is defined as the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus.

Abortion can occur accidentally as in a miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy or it can occur intentionally as in induced abortion. In order for an abortion to occur, death of the embryo or fetus must take place.

Embryo is a title used for
the early stages of growth and differentiation that are characterized by cleavage, the laying down of fundamental tissues, and the formation of primitive organs and organ systems; especially : the developing human individual from the time of implantation to the end of the eighth week after conception.

Fetus is also a title used in a particular stage in development and is defined as an unborn or unhatched vertebrate especially after attaining the basic structural plan of its kind; specifically  a developing human from usually two months after conception to birth.Word origin: The word fetus comes from Middle English and is Latin derived meaning, the act of bearing young or offspring

A abortion provider may say that abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by removal of the contents of the uterus. While this is true, it is a sugar coated explanation of what abortion really is. Abortion isn't just the termination of a pregnancy and it isn't simply removing the contents of the uterus.

I will explain.

Pregnancy takes place when the fertilization of the ovum (egg) occurs. Most doctors calculate the start of pregnancy from the first day of the mothers last menstrual period. This is called the "menstrual age" and is about two weeks ahead of when conception occurs. At the moment of fertilization, your baby's genetic make-up is complete, including its sex. Since the mother can provide only X chromosomes (she's XX), if a Y sperm fertilizes the egg, your baby will be a boy (XY); if an X sperm fertilizes the egg, your baby will be a girl (XX).

When pregnancy occurs it is ONLY because the offspring of the female has begun it's new life! In other words No baby, No pregnancy! When abortion takes place the contents of the uterus that defines the pregnancy is the embryo or fetus. When the parents of the offspring are human beings we are talking about a newly created human being!

Abortion happens when the life that is growing and changing inside the uterus is destroyed and removed or expelled from the mothers body. This can happen spontaneously, resulting in miscarriage or  intentionally using induced abortion.

Induced Abortion is the intentional induction of abortion, through various types of surgical or chemical procedures. Termination of the unborn human being, that is contained in the mothers uterus is always the objective! Not simply termination of the pregnancy which would not exist if it were not for the human being growing inside his/her mothers womb.

I hope you found this helpful in answering the question, What Is Abortion?

More information on this topic that you may be interested in:

When does life begin? 2nd Grade Science Lesson! Video

Abortion Statistics In The United States

National Abortion Federation On Partial Birth Abortion Part 1

National Abortion Federation On Partial Birth Abortion Part 2

Should A Mother Have An Abortion If The Mother Is Going To Die When She Gives Birth To Her Baby?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Pro-life Anti-Abortion Video: Development of the Unborn Baby

Anti-Abortion Prolife Video: Development of the Unborn Baby.
Anti-Abortion Prolife Video: Development of the Unborn Baby.
Fetal Development; From conception to birth.

Day 1: fertilization: all human chromosomes are present; unique human life begins.

Day 6: embryo begins implantation in the uterus.

Day 22: heart begins to beat with the child's own blood, often a different type than the mothers'.

Week 3: By the end of third week the child's backbone spinal column and nervous system are forming. The liver, kidneys and intestines begin to take shape.

Week 4: By the end of week four the child is ten thousand times larger than the fertilized egg.

Week 5: Eyes, legs, and hands begin to develop.

Week 6: Brain waves are detectable; mouth and lips are present; fingernails are forming.

Week 7: Eyelids, and toes form, nose distinct. The baby is kicking and swimming.

Week 8: Every organ is in place, bones begin to replace cartilage, and fingerprints begin to form.

By the 8th week the baby can begin to hear.

Weeks 9 and 10: Teeth begin to form, fingernails develop. The baby can turn his head, and frown. The baby can hiccup.

Weeks 10 and 11: The baby can "breathe" amniotic fluid and urinate.

Week 11: The baby can grasp objects placed in its hand; all organ systems are functioning. The baby has a skeletal structure, nerves, and circulation.

Week 12: The baby has all of the parts necessary to experience pain, including nerves, spinal cord, and thalamus. Vocal cords are complete. The baby can suck its thumb.

Week 14: At this age, the heart pumps several quarts of blood through the body every day.

Week 15: The baby has an adult's taste buds.

Month 4: Bone Marrow is now beginning to form. The heart is pumping 25 quarts of blood a day.

By the end of month 4 the baby will be 8-10 inches in length and will weigh up to half a pound.

Week 17: The baby can have dream (REM) sleep.

Week 19: Babies can routinely be saved at 21 to 22 weeks after fertilization, and sometimes they can be saved even younger.

Week 20: The earliest stage at which Partial birth abortions are performed.

At 20 weeks the baby recognizes its' mothers voice.

Months 5 and 6: The baby practices breathing by inhaling amniotic fluid into its developing lungs. The baby will grasp at the umbilical cord when it feels it. Most mothers feel an increase in movement, kicking, and hiccups from the baby. Oil and sweat glands are now functioning. The baby is now twelve inches long or more, and weighs up to one and a half pounds.

Months 7 through 9: Eyeteeth are present. The baby opens and closes his eyes. The baby is using four of the five senses (vision, hearing, taste, and touch.) He knows the difference between waking and sleeping, and can relate to the moods of the mother. The baby's skin begins to thicken, and a layer of fat is produced and stored beneath the skin. Antibodies are built up, and the baby's heart begins to pump 300 gallons of blood per day. Approximately one week before the birth the baby stops growing, and "drops" usually head down into the pelvic cavity.

Sources Used: Bergel, Gary (Produced by NRLC) "When You Were Formed in Secret." 1998. Flanagan, Geraldine Lux. Beginning Life. The Marvelous Journey from Conception to Birth. New York: DK Publishing Inc., 1996. Hopson, Janet L. Fetal Psychology. Oct. 1998. 07 Jan 2003. Internet Sources: "Fetal Development." 07 Jan 2003. Video from the public domain.

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