Showing posts with label abortion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abortion. Show all posts

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Images Of Abortion

  I was recently asked me how I felt about the use of the images that show aborted babies. I felt that it was an important issue that I wanted to talk about on this blog. 

Images of aborted babies are frequently used publicly by pro-life groups, side walk protests, and many pro-life websites. Here at Unborn Human Rights we do use the images and feel that if used in the right way they can be very power tools for getting the message out there about what abortion is, and what is does to a unborn baby!

For many people seeing is believing!

Father Frank Pavone of Priests For Life says that "America will not reject abortion until America can see abortion." Also stated on the Priests For Life site: 

"Only seeing such images of abortion can bring us to the kind of indignation needed to sustain the sacrifices that will be necessary to finally bring an end to this injustice. We have been urging the mass media to show the American people what an abortion is by showing the pictures of aborted babies. Abortion is a reality which is so horrific that words alone can never convey its meaning. It’s especially critical to show people the images of babies aborted in the first trimester. It is in regard to such children, who constitute 90% of abortion victims, that the myth persists that they are not really children at all."

Many people however don't agree with using the images while many do. Pro-lifers them self are divided in some cases by this issue and some I feel use them to much or irresponsibly.

If you watch our videos at the Unborn Human Rights channel on You Tube you will see many videos labeled (WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES)
. I do feel that a responsible use of these images is in order taking into consideration those who may be to young to view them and or just not ready for it.

In a public setting many pro-life groups use huge blown up photos of aborted babies these images do the trick in getting the attention of the public and making them think twice about abortion.

Many people have changed their stance on abortion or turned away from the use of abortion as a choice after seeing these images. So they do work! There is no denying that abortion kills a human being, a tiny human baby after seeing these images!

Even still there is a right, and wrong way to use the images and we must be very careful about the over use of these images. Today in this world and more specifically in America people are desensitized to many evils in my opinion. As a pro-lifer I know the last thing we want is for people to see these images so much that they begin to become desensitized to them!

At the same time many people remain ignorant to the horrors of abortion and seeing is believing for many people. In a article written by Father Frank Pavone concerning the use of aborted baby images he states: 

"The word abortion has lost practically all its meaning. Not even the most vivid description, in words alone, can adequately convey the horror of this act of violence. Abortion is sugar-coated by rhetoric which hides its gruesome nature. The procedure is never shown in the media. Too many people remain either in ignorance or denial about it, and hence too few are moved to do something to stop it. Graphic images are needed. A picture is worth a thousand words -- and in this battle, it can be worth many lives as well."

I suggest that you read this article here, Should We Use Graphic Images?

Is using the images of aborted babies exploiting the bodies of the babies shown in them?

Many people may wonder if it is ethical to show these tiny dead bodies in order to promote the pro-life message. I can assure you that those who use these images are not exploiting these babies in their use of the images! these images are meant to save mommies and babies from abortion! 

What worse then showing the images is the abortion itself! 

We are dealing with is an industry that refuses to show women ultrasound images of their very own baby prior to them consenting to an abortion.  Abortion providers use words like "contents of the uterus" to explain what is being removed from the mother.

Women are told that there is no baby, it is not a human anyway, it is nothing, and other language that is meant to conceal the truth about what abortion really is! We have a responsibility to society to uncover the lies told by the abortion industry!

We owe it to women and society to show what abortion is by using these images! I believe that the souls of these babies are in heaven praying for their parents, and an end to abortion.

They no longer have any need of their bodies. What you are seeing in the graphic images is the proof of what abortion does to that tiny body causing the end to their life, a life that was taken from them by their own mother and father.

If we can use their story, their images to save others that is what we must do! What is at stake here is the lives of innocent human beings. There are about 4,000 abortions per day in this country alone!

To see an example of what the abortion industry is all about watch this video:

On a more positive note is the use of fetal development images which I feel are many times equally as powerful as the aborted baby images. With fetal development pro-lifers can focus on the positive side of the abortion issue showing mothers and people in general the miracle that is taking place inside the womb.

Here at Unborn Human Rights we use lots of fetal development facts and images. This approach is great to use when there will be small children present or others who may be sensitive to the abortion images. My own children for example have not seen the images of abortion, not yet. They have seen however lots of amazing fetal development images and we talk about the miracle of life all the time.

I feel for small children this is sufficient enough and it doesn't take long before even young children realize the horrors of abortion without having to see the graphic images. For many people fetal development images is enough for them to take a strong stance against abortion.

I always say that if a young girl is old enough to have an abortion she is old enough to see what abortion really is! So, I wouldn't worry to much about children 12 and up viewing the graphic abortion images. This is why in my videos you won't see a 18 or older warning just a general warning to the public prior to viewing the videos.

In conclusion:

Perhaps what we need is the responsible use of aborted baby images. Perhaps a flip book on the table of a pro-life event would be better than the huge images plastered everywhere, while in other cases the huge signs will work better.

All pro-life work is not created equal so we need to use our good judgement and prayerful consideration in any given situation it is no different with pro-life work.

We need to do what is best at the time to get the message across to people and save babies!
Remember desperate times call for desperate measures!

Over all I think the use of the images are a productive method of reaching people. If people are offended by them, well then I am sorry to say it, but they should be! Abortion is not a nice thing, it is ugly, it is overwhelming, but people won't change what they don't acknowledge.

People must know what they are choosing when they choose abortion:


Thank you for taking the time to read this post. Keep on defending life, save mommies and babies from abortion! You can help do this by sharing Unborn Human Rights videos and posts.

You can also hook up with us on facebook

Until next time remember Unborn Human Rights = Human Rights for us all!

 Thank you for reading! 

See the pages above for more information. 

God bless! 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Legal Protection for The Unborn

  This is the mindset that is behind everything that Life Dynamics does. We are fighting to return full legal protection for every unborn child, from the moment of conception. Because of this our motto is, "Pro-Life: without compromise, without exception, without apology." Life Dynamics

 Thank you for your time! 

See the pages above for more information. 

God bless! 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

On Obama: Better Late Then Never Post: A Message for Catholics/Christians

The election has past and I still didn't get this post in, but here it is. Better late then never, right? I know what to say but can't seem to put it all together but I am giving it a shot.

I don't have to tell you that Obama won the presidency yet again : ( and why am I surprised? Well, I am and I'm not. It is amazing to me however where we are today in this country, and the mind set adopted by so many people.

I have recently began reading a book called Abortion the Silent Holocausttarget= by John Powell. It was written in 1981 but it still is a great book. Yet, I am beginning to see the correlation that is often made about the Holocaust Nazis and today's America!

I know it is no coincidence that I am reading this book now. We are living in what is supposed to be the greatest, free country there is, not to mention wealthiest, country in the world, so they say. People from all over the world dream of the American Dream. I also come from a family of immigrants, many of us do.

America is greatest for this in my opinion. 

No matter what your race, religion, or wealth, you can be an American citizen! That is the way it should be. I know there are some requirements for immigration but that is not the point of this post so I won't go into all of that here.

My point is, America is greatest for it's diversity and I am proud of that!

Yet there are some things we can't be proud of. Things so disgusting that we as a nation should be ashamed and begging for mercy! In this great country alone we kill 4,000 innocent unborn human beings every day! They call it CHOICE, but they never really tell you what that choice is, yet we all know.

Those 4,000 human beings are the least among us, the most vulnerable of all of our citizens! We are talking about a Holocaust on the unborn humans and like Hitler it won't stop there and it hasn't. Many of the same people who support abortion on demand also support euthanasia, and assisted suicide.

We kill them when they are small, sick, weak, old, retarded, "in the way", and when it seems no one wants them! This is what Hitler did, this is what America is doing! This seems to be where the world as a whole is going much of this and even worse taking place else where.

But is this what we want for America? Murder on demand just because you or someone else doesn't fit in the criteria of "useful" "healthy" "normal" or "productive"?

Some people in the US use abortion to choose what sex baby they will give birth to! Not just for China anymore folks! In the US it is legal to use induced abortion for any reason under the sun, and yes sex selection is one of them.

Choice says if you don't want it, kill it! But we are talking about a human life, a innocent child!

Remember Hitler was pro-choice!

Hitler chose the deaths of millions of human beings simply because he didn't like their race, religion, gender, handicap, etc.. And it was cost effective to do so. For the good of the nation, right!

Did you know that today most children with down syndrome are aborted! And did you know that Hitler also believed in killing those with down syndrome as well as other mental handicaps, even including those with depression!

That is what the killing centers were for and today we see it yet again in our killing centers we call clinics! You can read more about the pro-choice, abortion, Nazi, Holocaust link in the book Abortion the Silent Holocausttarget= .

Wake up people!

Obama supports abortion in all 9 months of pregnancy, for ANY REASON, and he wants the American people to pay for it, creating free abortions for women! He is also attacking religious liberty and is quoted in saying that "this is no longer a Christian nation" "this is a Muslim nation" and so called Christians and Catholics alike voted for him?

Do you Catholic/Christian Obama voters realize that you just proved him right! 

Thanks to the Catholic/Christian Obama votes yet again, this is truly no longer a Christian nation!

Pope Pius the X once said: "all the evils of the world are due to lukewarm Catholic!" Shame on you Catholic Obama voters especially. To much has been given much is expected,

If you are Catholic/Christian and did not vote for Obama but voted your faith in Jesus Christ in stead, thank you! I know we are out there and with prayer and education we can change hearts and minds.

This election reminded me of what Gods people (the Jews) said that fateful day when they denied him. It is again echoing in the Catholic/Christian communities of the new covenant, when they vote for one as anti Christian as Obama. "we have no King but Caesar! Crucify him!" 

That is what you have said with your vote!

Remember Christ is King!

Christians have always been a pro-life group no exceptions! The Catholic Church has always taught the pro-life message.

To be pro-life in the fullest sense of the word is to be pro-Jesus who is the way, the truth and the life! In a 1st century document titled the Didache, which is a early catechism we read about the basic Christian teachings, and abortion did come up and this is what it says.

Chapter 2. The Second Commandment: Grave Sin Forbidden. "And the second commandment of the Teaching; You shall not commit murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not commit pederasty, you shall not commit fornication, you shall not steal, you shall not practice magic, you shall not practice witchcraft, you shall not murder a child by abortion nor kill that which is born. You shall not covet the things of your neighbor, you shall not swear, you shall not bear false witness, you shall not speak evil, you shall bear no grudge. You shall not be double-minded nor double-tongued, for to be double-tongued is a snare of death. Your speech shall not be false, nor empty, but fulfilled by deed. You shall not be covetous, nor rapacious, nor a hypocrite, nor evil disposed, nor haughty. You shall not take evil counsel against your neighbor. You shall not hate any man; but some you shall reprove, and concerning some you shall pray, and some you shall love more than your own life."

Even earlier we read recorded by King David in Psalms 139:13-16 "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

You can't be pro-Jesus and pro-choice! 

Think about what you have done America especially the so called Christian and Catholic ones.

Further more if you are a pro-choice "Catholic" or supported a pro-choice candidate in the elections you must not be receiving the Holy Eucharist if you do so with out proper confession and turning away from your sinful ways and or stance on choice then you are receiving unworthily and this is not without a price says St. Paul in context of course.

I Corinthians 11:17-30 "But in the following instructions I do not commend you, because when you come together it is not for the better but for the worse. For, in the first place, when you assemble as a church, I hear that there are divisions among you; and I partly believe it, for there must be factions among you in order that those who are genuine among you may be recognized. When you meet together, it is not the Lord's supper that you eat. For in eating, each one goes ahead with his own meal, and one is hungry and another is drunk. What! Do you not have houses to eat and drink in? Or do you despise the church of God and humiliate those who have nothing? What shall I say to you? Shall I commend you in this? No, I will not. For I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, "This is my body which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me." In the same way also the cup, after supper, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me." For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord. Let a man examine himself, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For any one who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself. That is why many of you are weak and ill, and some have died."

Also Catholics the Catechism of the Catholic Church states: 

“Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person—among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life.”CCC 2270

“Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable. Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law” (No. 2271).

On another note: How can be trust a government that kills it's own children, legally?

How can we expect to be protected when we can't even protect the least among us? We can't! In a world where the unborn human beings are killed daily by the thousands no questions asked, no one is safe!

The 1973 supreme court choice legalizing abortion for any reason, any time opened the door for the legal killing of anyone, and we see it in euthanasia and assisted suicide which is abortion on the born. Then who is next for Hitler that was the handicap children and adults alike!

Please read Humanae Vitae a letter by Pope John Paul VI for more detailed info on what I am saying here and the pro-life message.

Martin Niemoller said this best when he said.

"First they came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up, because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me."

We have to be the voice for the voiceless now or one day there will be no one left to speak for us!

Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand! Blessed John the Baptist

Pray to end abortion then act to end abortion!

Videos by Unborn Human Rights: This is a play list so you will be able to watch any video published by us right here.

 Thank you for your time

See the pages above for more information. 

God bless

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What About Abortion When the Mothers Health is at Risk?

There is no such thing today as a perfect pregnancy, for all humans are imperfect. Thus every pregnant woman faces a certain risk; the sad fact is that some women, even healthy women, die during pregnancy and childbirth.  Is every pregnancy to be aborted just because a risk to the mother’s life or health exists? Obviously not. True, in some instances the danger is greater than normal because of the woman’s age or health. Still, do not most women, including many who face unusual risks, survive childbirth? And it must be admitted that however well meant it is, a medical diagnosis can be wrong. So how could one who accepts God’s view of the sacredness of life conclude that a potential danger would justify an abortion? Is the developing child’s life to be cut off simply because of what might occur?

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Abortion Capital of America

"Abortion scandals have been making headlines this past month. In Pennsylvania, abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell was indicted for allegedly committing numerous gruesome acts including post-birth abortions on babies done by cutting their spinal cords with scissors. In the neighboring state of New Jersey, an undercover sting caught a Planned Parenthood counselor telling a “pimp” that underage prostitutes could get abortions at the clinic. And 2010 statistics released by New York City’s Health Department revealed that the number of abortions performed in the Big Apple were twice the national average. Forty-one percent of all pregnancies — about 90,000 — were terminated."

Continue reading this shocking article! The Abortion Capital of America

Here is another quote from the article:

"Referring to the city’s appalling abortion data, the archbishop said: “We’ve been hearing for many years from pro-choice supporters that abortion should be ‘safe, legal and rare’. Well, if that’s the goal, we’ve clearly abysmally failed — especially here in New York City.”

Open your eyes America!

Join me on FB, like Unborn Human Rights, and share the message of life and truth with your friends!

 Thank you for your time

See the pages above for more information. 

God bless

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Adoption Movement - Saving Souls Book Trailer.wmv

For more information about the loving and unselfish choice of adoption see our adoption page.

I say to woman: Choose to be the mother of a living baby! Give that person a chance at becoming the person they are meant to be! Whether you raise your child, or give someone else the chance. This new life deserves life and you the mother, deserve to give it to them.

 Thank you for your time

See the pages above for more information. 

God bless

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ronald Reagan on Adoption and Abortion

Ronald Reagan radio address from 1975 addresses the topics of abortion and adoption.

Also see the Ronald Reagan Endorses Personhood video with his famous speech!!

 Thank you for your time! 

See the pages above for more information. 

God bless! 

Unborn Human Rights Donation Center

Unborn Human Rights Donation Center Information

Unborn Human Rights is a pro-life ministry that was founded in 2008. Unborn Human Rights began with a simple You Tube page that has collectively gotten almost 200,000 views on it's pro-life videos. It has since expanded to a Facebook page and blog.


Unborn Human Rights is continually working towards further expansion and reaching more and more people with the pro-life message. It is the goal of those at Unborn Human Rights to reach those contemplating abortion in a loving and direct way with good and true information.

It is also the goal of Unborn Human Rights to reach pro-lifers them self. There is a great need to strengthen and further educate those who honestly want to see and end to abortion but do not know how to talk about it with others effectively.

We do this by offering videos and articles about abortion with content that is honest and to the point. We also have a Pro-Life Apologetics page that while in it's infancy is a great tool for further education in the art of explaining and defending the pro-life position. Our goal for Pro-Life Apologetics is to expand it to a download-able e book form and offered to members.

Also in the works is a pro-life starter kit, this kit will include various different pro-life merchandise that will enable any pro-lifer to get started spreading the pro-life message.

Further Expansions....

Unborn Human Rights seeks to further expand the blog, we need to obtain a domain name, auto responder technology and hosting account so that we will  be able to enable Unborn Human Rights to have a stronger foundation here on the Internet.

Also in the works for Unborn Human Rights Ministries will be a great email campaign (this is where the auto responder will come in) that will be able to reach our members with great pro-life information, answering questions, and news concerning Unborn Human Rights.

Further future expansions will include, pod casts, more videos, special events, continued blog posting, e books and offline outreach. Offline outreach will include donations and support of pro-life pregnancy centers, walk for life campaigns, specific Unborn Human Rights events, youth outreach and life outreach to those contemplating abortion.

But to do all of this we need support!

We are also in the process of establishing Unborn Human Rights as a official none profit organization and obtaining a P.O. Box.

This means a better outreach, more information and saving more mommies, daddies and babies from abortion!

If you would like to be a part of all of this please consider making a donation, all donations will be used to implement all of these needed expansions.

Short Term Goal...

Currently our goal is to get the much needed domain names, auto respond-er and hosting account needed to set Unborn Human Rights on top of a solid foundation.

With this solid foundation we can continue to offer the great information that we have been as well as offer even more to our members in the form of down loadable e books, pod casts, emailing, Q and A messages, and crisis pregnancy outreach.

Your donations will be reflected in the look and presentation of our site. We will also create a blog post offering detailed information about how your money was spent.

Any amount of money you can give is appreciated and we thank  you : )

Please donate by using the button below, or on the side of this blog.

Thank You for your support and continued involvement in the pro-life movement, together we can make a difference and turn hearts and minds away from abortion for good!

Sincerely, The Unborn Human Rights Team : )

Monday, May 7, 2012

Shaken From Within

  Introducing a novel By Paul Egli “The Brood” has cast a demonic shadow over Brighton County, Iowa. This quiet little patch of small-town living is about to become a war zone. Life in Brighton County grows deadlier by the day, and things will never be the same. The citizens face a choice. Will they flee or will they fight?

SHAKEN FROM WITHIN is a rare combination of suspense, drama, humor, and inspiration that will continually have readers crying, laughing, and sitting on the edges of their seats. Nothing is predictable. No one is safe. Formerly peaceful Brighton County becomes an exciting, gut wrenching, and brutal place with predicaments so dire they can only be overcome through the grace of God and the courage of conviction.

Michael “Mike” Ward is middle-aged, wheelchair-bound, angry, and mean. He thinks his life is meaningless. Fourteen-year-old Emily, recently escaped from a pack of pornographic Satan worshippers, recognizes a hole in Mike’s life – his desperate need to be needed – and believes that she can fill it.

Emily’s former captors – “The Brood” – are determined to get her back, and they will stop at nothing. To make matters even worse, law enforcement cannot be trusted because some are corruptly involved with the evil, powerful “Brood”. There is also the disconcerting fact that people keep showing up dead.

Unexpected heroes rise to the occasion and, through the use of “non-standard” methods and the help of a mysterious cave-dwelling vigilante, do what the Feds have tried to do for years; they begin to take down The Brood. Along the way, vigilantes are joined by more vigilantes and aided by a host of oddly endearing characters that seem to emerge from nowhere, risking everything for Emily and others who are tormented by The Brood.

Shaken from Within: The Brighton County Chronicles – that honestly, factually, and unabashedly portrays abortion as exactly what it is, the brutal slaying of unborn babies.
If you like suspence novels you will love this one..
You can get it today on Amazon for a great price, details below.

 Thank you for reading! 

See the pages above for more information. 

God bless! 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Abortion Pill | RU-486

Some people seem to think that the abortion pill RU486 is an acceptable form of abortion, here are the facts.

At the moment of conception everything is determined height, skin color, hair color and sex. At 21 days the heart begins to beat. By 8 weeks the child has everything it will have at birth, body, arms, legs, head with eyes ears, and all body organs! Life begins at conception, there is no other time that it could happen. This life has a soul and is entitled to the right to life.

What is the abortion pill?

The abortion pill is a medicine that ends the life of the early child. In general, it can be used up to 63 days — 9 weeks (notice ...that this baby is about 7 weeks) after the first day of a woman's last period. Women who are more than 9 weeks pregnant can have an in-clinic abortion. This pill is taken and the abortion takes place at home where the mother can get rid of the contents containing the baby into the toilet. The name for "the abortion pill" is Mifepristone or RU-486.

The images below are all unborn babies before 9 weeks after conception. The abortion pill can be used up to week 9 of the unborn human babies life.

 Thank you for reading! 

See the pages above for more information. 

God bless! 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Fr. Frank Pavone at the National Memorial for the Unborn | Freedom For The Unborn!

Priests for Life presents the speech given by Fr. Frank Pavone at the 2012 National Memorial for the Unborn, held in Washington D.C. For more updates and pro-life resources, please visit

 Thank you for reading! 

See the pages above for more information. 

God bless! 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Pro-life Pro-Choice

  Although we all have a part in the issue of abortion, we are either a part of the problem or solution. But it is women who need to stand up and take charge! Imagine if even a small number of all pro-choice women stood up for life and changed their stance what an impact this would be. The bottom line is this, abortion is a product a service sold to many but it is the woman who must give consent to this. If there is not enough money in it PPH, NAF and others would not sell abortions! If there is no market for it, it just won't happen and it wouldn't be legal so that a small handful of women could obtain them, despite what they would like us to believe.


Take a stand for life, join us on Facebook and tell your friends to stand for life to!

 Thank you for reading! 

See the pages above for more information. 

God bless! 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hippocratic Oath

A Look At The Hippocratic Oath!

Would The Father Of Medicine Be Proud Of Medicine Today?

   The Hippocratic Oath is a traditional acknowledgment of the responsibility acquired by those who obtain the title of physician before graduating from medical school and entering the world of medicine on their own. The Hippocratic Oath was first seen in the 5th century BC and is one of the oldest binding documents in history and was once seen as the authority to physicians medical practices.

Websters dictionary explains the Hippocratic Oath as such "an oath embodying a code of medical ethics usually taken by those about to begin medical practice"

Many people believe that the Father of medicine Hippocrates first penned the document but it emerged a century later and may not have been written by Hippocrates himself. Hippocrates was born between 470 and 460 B.C. to a family that claimed descent from Asclepius the Greek god of healing and the son of Apollo.

Hippocrates was part of a long Greek medical tradition. Hippocrates is credited with the earliest extant medical writings. Of these, few are probably genuinely the products of Hippocrates, but some are accepted as such, including the famous "Oath" which in addition to all else shows that 5th century B.C. physicians were already organized, trained and served as disciples.

Hippocrates believed that the physician was to be one who did good, had common sense and nobility. Since the 5th century those who entered into the world as physicians were required to recite the Hippocratic Oath which according to the oath is a legally and morally binding covenant before the gods. Keep in mind that Hippocrates was a fifth century polytheist from the Greek culture in which he lived.

The thing to note here is that the Oath was a covenant which according to tradition is morally binding and superior to any old promise. In the ancient times a Covenant was not only a promise to ones colleagues but an acknowledgment that one will not forsake his family. Hippocrates believed in the family bond of those who were called to the discipleship of medicine to serve their fellow man. A far cry from how medicine actually is practiced today in some form or another. The classic Hippocratic Oath was used until 1964 when a new modern version was penned by Louis Lasagna.

As the centuries raged on and people traveled the world even more new philosophies were created and people continued to rebel from the authorities that they once respected to guide them throughout their lives. Rebellion such as the reformation in the 1600's followed by the escape from British rule in the new world, the American Revolution. I don't feel that people are much different now than they were in Hippocrates' day although much has changed.

Those who came before us have changed this world, these changes have lead to a rebellion on an even larger scale. Many people no longer value authority over their own judgment this has caused the break down of the family which opens the door to further break down in all other areas. Children rebelling against their parents on a larger scale and parents rebelling against their children!

Little is sacred in the modern world that is why over the centuries the Hippocratic Oath has taken the back seat and is no longer taken seriously by many physicians. For the most part the oath has lost it effectiveness and is no longer seen by many as an authority bonded by tradition and a higher moral calling to fellow human beings.

Today few medical schools require students to recite the classical version of the Hippocratic Oath. I feel that the use of abortion in medicine is largely to blame for the reformation of the classic Hippocratic Oath which states,

"I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art."

Even though abortion was not yet legally recognized during the revisions of the Oath in 1964 it was practiced by many physicians, we did not see the legalization of abortion for personal use until 1973. In fact some form of abortion and infanticide has always been practiced by many throughout history. The new tragedy is the legalization of abortion for personal use like we have seen since 1973.

Today the Oath makes no mention of the gods, abortive agents, or keeping the sick from harm or injustice. Surprisingly, I have to say that I am not entirely disappointed with the new version of the oath, although one verse jumps out at me. I will get to that in a minute. Considering that today Doctors come held to so many different religious and cultural backgrounds. I would say that a reform of the Oath was in order and long over due in many respects.

What bothers me is that many physicians do not take even the modern oath seriously even though it uses phrase's such as "covenant", "avoiding over treatment", and "I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being."
With the rise in malpractice, over treatment of drugs and procedures, and the assembly line practices of doctors, and the experimental and harmful practice of human guinea pigs! How can one say that most doctors even follow the modern version of the Hippocratic Oath?

You can read the modern Oath in a minute. They leave so much room for any doctor to apply his/her own philosophies when treating patients that the new Oath literally left the door wide open for Roe VS Wade, euthanasia, and doctor assisted suicide, which by the way has nothing to do with health care and cures nothing!

The verse that really jumped out at me is this one "Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God."

The modern version of the Oath states that a doctor has the power to take a life and that this power is an awesome responsibility for the humble physician. There is that open door I was talking about and guess what happened? Today doctors take the lives of thousands of innocent human beings everyday and it is justified by the Oath as well as their own philosophies that lead them to believe that they are doing good!

"Above all, I must not play at God." What does this mean anyway? I have heard about not playing God but that wouldn't have worked for the Oath since the previous statement give a physician the right to take a life. I guess they felt that they had to include God somewhere in the oath and in fact this is the only place God is mentioned. Physicians are justified to do abortions at any stage of pregnancy, offer assisted suicide to their patients, prescribe harmful drugs that had little to no clinical testing as well as offer euthanasia to those afflicted with aging family members! As long as they don't play at God lol!

In conclusion, It was interesting learning about the Hippocratic Oath and I hope that you are equally as interested because of this article. My hope is that medical practices improve and physicians can become more like what Hippocrates envisioned, a calling to serve their fellow man. Not just a job but a real calling to do good! To those physicians who do practice medicine in this way, thank you! But we need your voice to make the changes we need!

 Thank you for reading! 

See the pages above for more information. 

God bless! 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Thinking About Abortion?

Pregnant women should think twice before aborting their beautiful baby. You might be having a hard time now but life gets better for you and your infant child.

 Thank you for your time! 

See the pages above for more information. 

God bless! 

Monday, January 9, 2012

Thinking About Abortion?

Thinking About Abortion?
Do you feel like you have to have an abortion?

   I know you may feel that way now, but you should know that you DON'T have to have an abortion. In fact, the very feelings you are feeling about having to have an abortion is the opposite of the pro-choice philosophy that says that it is your right to have one. When you feel like you have to do something you put yourself in a position where you feel there is NO choice. Please keep reading...

You have found this page because you or someone you know thinks they have to have an abortion. You may be scarred and worried about how the future will turn out if you don't have an abortion. Don't worry we are all scarred when we find out we are pregnant. I know I was and I never thought about having an abortion.


I know it is hard to believe right now but unwanted pregnancy is not the worst thing that could happen to you, not even if you are a teenager.

Maybe you are pregnant because of something horrible happening to you! If so you are a victim and I am deeply sorry for the struggles you have been made to bare. Just think about this though, just because you are a victim, should you  then victimize your baby? Or should we do what winner of The Nobel Peace Prize Dr Martin Luther King Jr said, "We must meet hate with love" What better way to do that then to love you baby?

Pregnancy is one of the best things that can happen to you! You are a Mother NOW and your baby is growing inside of you just waiting to be developed enough to be held in your loving arms.


Sure parenting is hard sometimes, but it will also be filled with joy and excitement.

I remember when I had just had my baby, when I looked at him I thought "you have always been here with me, I was just waiting for you to show up" When I had my boys it was like they had always been there, it felt so natural and so right! I know you will feel the same way when you give birth to your baby.

Don't kid yourself we all know where babies come from and you knew that before you got pregnant. I did to, and I thought I was ready for it. I soon found out that I was not as ready as I thought. This left me kinda scarred at first, just like you may be feeling right now. But I knew I was a Mother already and I did not want to fail. I wanted to be a good Mother and there was and is no better time than right now! I knew this simple truth that Mothering begins at conception. Abortion is not being a good mom like some may try to tell us. Abortion is not the choice between being a mom and not being a mom. It is ONLY the choice between being the mother of a dead baby or a live one. Every moment is a new one and we can always do the right thing.

About 8 Week
You may have some people telling you that it's not a baby. Some people may even be telling you that you need to think about your life instead. The truth is, and you may not want to hear the truth, few people do.

If you have an abortion you will be KILLING YOUR BABY! You will be destroying a human life (your child) This exact person will never exist again! Your baby is a unique creation, with his or her own unique set of DNA.  I am telling you the truth, you know it in your heart, don't you?

To see what an aborted baby looks like click that link. If you are curious to what your baby may looks like right now as he or she is growing in your womb, check out my unborn human development page. Or just click the picture to see more. It is truly a miracle, I know you will agree.

I will have to admit it though, you do need to think about your life. If you have an abortion you need to think about living the rest of your life knowing that you killed your baby. If you think abortion will be the end of it you are wrong. You can't just shove something like abortion under the rug! Many woman turn to drugs and promiscuity, which may lead to more abortions. Many woman just can't shake off their abortion or abortions and contemplate suicide. These are just a few of the side effects of abortion. For more information go to The Un Choice about the side affects of abortion and Silent No More Awareness.

I think you get my point.

It is my opinion that every Mother and or Father (including the whole family) should take care of their own children. If that is not something that you feel can do there is always adoption. I have also provided you with information about adoption.

Hey, just because you can't be a perfect parent does not mean that you shouldn't have your baby. In fact, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A PERFECT PARENT and a perfect situation to have your baby. Abortion is not family planning it is ending a life (your baby) that has already been created.

I hope you see that NO situation is perfect. Not a reason to kill your baby! Not even a reason to choose adoption but please know that adoption is a better choice than abortion. At least you will live in peace knowing that YOUR CHILD IS ALIVE and he or she can live to choose for them self and God only knows what they will accomplish in their life, you don't know, I don't know!

I am sure you agree that it is NEVER OK to take the life of an innocent human person, that would be murder. With that being said, your baby is innocent, he or she did not choose to be conceived. You may have a lot of regrets, hey we all do! But I am here to tell you that we may not be able to turn back what has already been done, but we can always make things right! Yesterday is gone, tomorrow isn't here yet, all we have is right now! The future is not here yet but we are the ones who will create it for ourselves. It can be good or bad, that is up to the choices we make NOW!

I hope my message was made clear and I am confident that you see my point. From woman to woman and mother to mother. If you need more help and support there are many great pregnancy centers that may be able to help you if you need it. No matter where you are there has got to be a place you can go to for help. If unfortunately there is not DON'T WORRY you are much stronger than you think and YOU CAN DO THIS!

YOU CAN HAVE YOUR BABY and LOVE YOUR BABY, you will be glad you did!! YOU CAN BE A GREAT MOTHER and if you make some mistakes then you are like me and the other billions of mothers that we share this world with.

Please comment if you would like. Please know that you can comment anonymously. I will get back with you right here so please come back. You may also want to take a look at some of the other things I have on this blog for you to learn from. My goal is education and assisting others in seeing the truth about abortion.

Pro-Choice | Abortion | WHAT ARE YOU CHOOSING?

P.S Remember to click the links in the article for more information. Stats show that 1 in 4 woman will have an abortion so please share this page in your social sites and with those you feel can benefit by this information.

Even More Information Below:

The Real Question! Pro-Choice Abortion!

 Thank you for reading! 

See the pages above for more information. 

God bless! 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Fetal Development

At the moment of conception the spark of life ignites and a miracle happens. This tiny human being has just begun it's new life! All this person needs is food, water and shelter. In the course of his/her life this person will grow and change in many, many ways. This person like all people will also go by many titles. Zygote, embryo, fetus, child, teenager and adult. There must be life first or nothing can begin to grow and change. Learn fetal development, see the miracle!
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Please check out our fetal development page for more information on your developing baby.

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See the pages above for more information. 

God bless! 

Size of Fetus | Does Size Matter?

The Pro-Life position is philosophically sound, logical as well as moral, please read on.

There are four main differences between the fetus (unborn human in the fetal stage) and a new born. Those differences are:

1. size of fetus
2. level of development
3. environment
4. degree of dependency 

In this post and subsequent posts, I will be addressing all four of these differences. You will see that the Pro-Life position is philosophically sound, logical and moral. Keep in mind that when the term "fetus" is used we are referring to a fetus that has human parents. The term "fetus" is a medical term derived from Latin meaning "offspring". If the offspring has human parents then the fetus is indeed human.

1. Size: It is a fact that the human fetus is smaller than he or she will be as a new born. From the moment of conception and on the fetus does a lot of growing and changing. Science tells us that something that is alive will grow and change, this is the two main characteristics of something that is alive. By 9 weeks every essential organ has begun to form in the fetus' tiny body, even though it still weighs less than an aspirin. The hair and nipple follicles are forming, and the eyelids and tongue have begun formation. The elbows and toes are more visible as the trunk begins to straighten out. At this time everything is present that will be at birth.

So does size determine our status as human being? Is it morally justified to kill a human being as long as it is small enough? So does size determine who is a human being and who is not? No it does not but if it did, a human fetus is indeed not Human, or less Human than a new born because of its size. This would have to also be true throughout human life, through other stages in development. A new born would then be less human than a toddler and a toddler would be less human than a teenager and a full sized adult. What about those People who are dwarfs or "little people" does their size make them less Human? Would you dare go up to a little person and tell them that they are less human than an averaged size person? I think not, I am sure their was probably a point in history where the dwarf person was viewed as not Human or less Human, that is clearly not the case today. In fact society would look down on that type of discrimination (size discrimination). Many people say that abortion up to 3 months is OK because the baby is small and has not developed enough yet. But as I already stated by 8 weeks or 2 months the unborn human being has already developed everything he or she will need for birth, just not fully developed enough to be born. Size is not the issue and clearly irrelevant to the issue of abortion. Just as size makes no difference in determining who is a human being or not while we are born you can not say that this would be any different in our unborn stages. Size is irrelevant to the issue of abortion.

Stay tuned for more:

Please check out our fetal development page, unborn human development...

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