Monday, January 9, 2012

Thinking About Abortion?

Thinking About Abortion?
Do you feel like you have to have an abortion?

   I know you may feel that way now, but you should know that you DON'T have to have an abortion. In fact, the very feelings you are feeling about having to have an abortion is the opposite of the pro-choice philosophy that says that it is your right to have one. When you feel like you have to do something you put yourself in a position where you feel there is NO choice. Please keep reading...

You have found this page because you or someone you know thinks they have to have an abortion. You may be scarred and worried about how the future will turn out if you don't have an abortion. Don't worry we are all scarred when we find out we are pregnant. I know I was and I never thought about having an abortion.


I know it is hard to believe right now but unwanted pregnancy is not the worst thing that could happen to you, not even if you are a teenager.

Maybe you are pregnant because of something horrible happening to you! If so you are a victim and I am deeply sorry for the struggles you have been made to bare. Just think about this though, just because you are a victim, should you  then victimize your baby? Or should we do what winner of The Nobel Peace Prize Dr Martin Luther King Jr said, "We must meet hate with love" What better way to do that then to love you baby?

Pregnancy is one of the best things that can happen to you! You are a Mother NOW and your baby is growing inside of you just waiting to be developed enough to be held in your loving arms.


Sure parenting is hard sometimes, but it will also be filled with joy and excitement.

I remember when I had just had my baby, when I looked at him I thought "you have always been here with me, I was just waiting for you to show up" When I had my boys it was like they had always been there, it felt so natural and so right! I know you will feel the same way when you give birth to your baby.

Don't kid yourself we all know where babies come from and you knew that before you got pregnant. I did to, and I thought I was ready for it. I soon found out that I was not as ready as I thought. This left me kinda scarred at first, just like you may be feeling right now. But I knew I was a Mother already and I did not want to fail. I wanted to be a good Mother and there was and is no better time than right now! I knew this simple truth that Mothering begins at conception. Abortion is not being a good mom like some may try to tell us. Abortion is not the choice between being a mom and not being a mom. It is ONLY the choice between being the mother of a dead baby or a live one. Every moment is a new one and we can always do the right thing.

About 8 Week
You may have some people telling you that it's not a baby. Some people may even be telling you that you need to think about your life instead. The truth is, and you may not want to hear the truth, few people do.

If you have an abortion you will be KILLING YOUR BABY! You will be destroying a human life (your child) This exact person will never exist again! Your baby is a unique creation, with his or her own unique set of DNA.  I am telling you the truth, you know it in your heart, don't you?

To see what an aborted baby looks like click that link. If you are curious to what your baby may looks like right now as he or she is growing in your womb, check out my unborn human development page. Or just click the picture to see more. It is truly a miracle, I know you will agree.

I will have to admit it though, you do need to think about your life. If you have an abortion you need to think about living the rest of your life knowing that you killed your baby. If you think abortion will be the end of it you are wrong. You can't just shove something like abortion under the rug! Many woman turn to drugs and promiscuity, which may lead to more abortions. Many woman just can't shake off their abortion or abortions and contemplate suicide. These are just a few of the side effects of abortion. For more information go to The Un Choice about the side affects of abortion and Silent No More Awareness.

I think you get my point.

It is my opinion that every Mother and or Father (including the whole family) should take care of their own children. If that is not something that you feel can do there is always adoption. I have also provided you with information about adoption.

Hey, just because you can't be a perfect parent does not mean that you shouldn't have your baby. In fact, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A PERFECT PARENT and a perfect situation to have your baby. Abortion is not family planning it is ending a life (your baby) that has already been created.

I hope you see that NO situation is perfect. Not a reason to kill your baby! Not even a reason to choose adoption but please know that adoption is a better choice than abortion. At least you will live in peace knowing that YOUR CHILD IS ALIVE and he or she can live to choose for them self and God only knows what they will accomplish in their life, you don't know, I don't know!

I am sure you agree that it is NEVER OK to take the life of an innocent human person, that would be murder. With that being said, your baby is innocent, he or she did not choose to be conceived. You may have a lot of regrets, hey we all do! But I am here to tell you that we may not be able to turn back what has already been done, but we can always make things right! Yesterday is gone, tomorrow isn't here yet, all we have is right now! The future is not here yet but we are the ones who will create it for ourselves. It can be good or bad, that is up to the choices we make NOW!

I hope my message was made clear and I am confident that you see my point. From woman to woman and mother to mother. If you need more help and support there are many great pregnancy centers that may be able to help you if you need it. No matter where you are there has got to be a place you can go to for help. If unfortunately there is not DON'T WORRY you are much stronger than you think and YOU CAN DO THIS!

YOU CAN HAVE YOUR BABY and LOVE YOUR BABY, you will be glad you did!! YOU CAN BE A GREAT MOTHER and if you make some mistakes then you are like me and the other billions of mothers that we share this world with.

Please comment if you would like. Please know that you can comment anonymously. I will get back with you right here so please come back. You may also want to take a look at some of the other things I have on this blog for you to learn from. My goal is education and assisting others in seeing the truth about abortion.

Pro-Choice | Abortion | WHAT ARE YOU CHOOSING?

P.S Remember to click the links in the article for more information. Stats show that 1 in 4 woman will have an abortion so please share this page in your social sites and with those you feel can benefit by this information.

Even More Information Below:

The Real Question! Pro-Choice Abortion!

 Thank you for reading! 

See the pages above for more information. 

God bless! 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Fetal Development

At the moment of conception the spark of life ignites and a miracle happens. This tiny human being has just begun it's new life! All this person needs is food, water and shelter. In the course of his/her life this person will grow and change in many, many ways. This person like all people will also go by many titles. Zygote, embryo, fetus, child, teenager and adult. There must be life first or nothing can begin to grow and change. Learn fetal development, see the miracle!
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Learn the truth and defend life! 

Get a precious feet pin and where it proudly.

Please check out our fetal development page for more information on your developing baby.

 Thank you for reading! 

See the pages above for more information. 

God bless! 

Size of Fetus | Does Size Matter?

The Pro-Life position is philosophically sound, logical as well as moral, please read on.

There are four main differences between the fetus (unborn human in the fetal stage) and a new born. Those differences are:

1. size of fetus
2. level of development
3. environment
4. degree of dependency 

In this post and subsequent posts, I will be addressing all four of these differences. You will see that the Pro-Life position is philosophically sound, logical and moral. Keep in mind that when the term "fetus" is used we are referring to a fetus that has human parents. The term "fetus" is a medical term derived from Latin meaning "offspring". If the offspring has human parents then the fetus is indeed human.

1. Size: It is a fact that the human fetus is smaller than he or she will be as a new born. From the moment of conception and on the fetus does a lot of growing and changing. Science tells us that something that is alive will grow and change, this is the two main characteristics of something that is alive. By 9 weeks every essential organ has begun to form in the fetus' tiny body, even though it still weighs less than an aspirin. The hair and nipple follicles are forming, and the eyelids and tongue have begun formation. The elbows and toes are more visible as the trunk begins to straighten out. At this time everything is present that will be at birth.

So does size determine our status as human being? Is it morally justified to kill a human being as long as it is small enough? So does size determine who is a human being and who is not? No it does not but if it did, a human fetus is indeed not Human, or less Human than a new born because of its size. This would have to also be true throughout human life, through other stages in development. A new born would then be less human than a toddler and a toddler would be less human than a teenager and a full sized adult. What about those People who are dwarfs or "little people" does their size make them less Human? Would you dare go up to a little person and tell them that they are less human than an averaged size person? I think not, I am sure their was probably a point in history where the dwarf person was viewed as not Human or less Human, that is clearly not the case today. In fact society would look down on that type of discrimination (size discrimination). Many people say that abortion up to 3 months is OK because the baby is small and has not developed enough yet. But as I already stated by 8 weeks or 2 months the unborn human being has already developed everything he or she will need for birth, just not fully developed enough to be born. Size is not the issue and clearly irrelevant to the issue of abortion. Just as size makes no difference in determining who is a human being or not while we are born you can not say that this would be any different in our unborn stages. Size is irrelevant to the issue of abortion.

Stay tuned for more:

Please check out our fetal development page, unborn human development...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Anti-Abortion = Anti kill a baby! Pro-life, pro-unborn human rights.

Life Begins at conception, Mothering begins at conception!

"Today I will be better then I was yesterday"

Remember that everyday is a new day and every min is a opportunity for change.

I am pro-life and pro-unborn human rights, I drawl no line between our unborn stages in development and Born stages in development! At the moment of conception we are all created equal and Good, life must be equally protected in our unborn stages as it is when we are Born!

Healing After Abortion

For Information: Visit

Youth Outreach

The pro-life position is not anti woman, we are anti kill a baby! The most innocent among us all!

In fact if life did not begin at conception and the unborn was merely a lifeless blob then we would not be anti abortion either!

In order for an abortion to take place a unborn baby, Human life must die!

Abortion = a dead baby! it can equate to nothing else!

We believe in Woman's rights, but not at the expense of the Unborn Human beings Human rights!

Sunday, December 18, 2011



There must be life first, or nothing will even begin to grow or change. When the human sperm and ovum come together, they ignite the spark of human life! A new human being is now created.. Without life a pregnancy will  not continue.

We cannot see life, we can only see those who are alive, and other creations that contain life, and live but we cannot see life. Yet we know it is there or everything is just a figment of our imaginations, even the atheists believe in life even though they have never seen life, they have only seen what is alive, that which contains life.

What is life?

life is a part of the mysterious part of our world, the invisible part of our world, which is as real as you and me! Life cannot be bought, sold or contained, it is a part of every living thing in the whole universe, from the tiniest micro organism to the tallest tree! Life has existed from the beginning, the very first in our universe, if this were not true then we would not be here let alone anything else.

Life was here first!

I was walking with my son one day, and we were talking about how God is a part of everything he created, and if something contains life that is because God is present within it! If God decided to remove himself from us we would die, God is not only the source of life, but life itself, himself, that is why we cannot see life in its natural form, because it's God! We are created in the image, and likeness of God, he allows himself to be a part of us, so we can be alive, this is so amazing to me!

What makes us human?

Is it our arms and legs? No, even animals have those.
Is it our eyes and noses? NO, even animals have them too!

It must be that we can talk, but even a parrot can say as much as a one year old! It must be that we are intelligent, true we are intelligent life forms, but nothing in this universe is without intelligence, even ant colonies will act in an intelligent way. Honestly I have met some not so intelligent people and they are still human lol!.

We are human beings because we have a soul, and are created in the image of God.

That is something missing in the pro-choice agenda, they miss this truth. They say it is a zygote, it is not a human person, it can't live on its own, or breath air! The truth is all we need is a source of life, and a soul to be living human beings! That is all, and only God can give that to us, all of the other human characteristics we have are only perks, we are special in the universe, set a part from any-other of Gods creations!

God wants us to know how special we are in the universe so we can take him seriously, that is why we are so different even with our similarities to other species we still remain special and unique, we must remember that.

The pro-life message is one of truth, forgiveness, humility, love, and understanding! And as I write this I think of one person who said " I am the way, the truth, and the life!" as pro-life individuals we stand for the only truth there is!

Keep up the good work, and do more when you can, pray, and act that is how it is done!

These are my thoughts and I am sticken to it lol!

Never stop defending life!

Living things, abortion and human beings!

I wanted to say something here about, living things, abortion, and human beings. In elementary school we are taught about living things, and that a living thing is something that will grow, and change. This is very simple, that is how we determine what is alive, and what is not. As you know we live in a living world, there is life all around us, as human beings we must eat living foods for our body, and mind to function its best.

I mentioned that we tell if something is alive or not by two basic characteristics, does it grow, and does it change? As a pro-life person, as in, anti abortion choice, I must bring this up. The fetus is alive from the moment of conception, it is growing and changing! It is wrong to kill it because it is a human being, not only because it is alive. Not only is it a living human being, it is among the most innocent, and vulnerable of our society, a human child!

The pro-abortion choice agenda allows it to be legal to kill these innocent, and vulnerable human beings for any reason! Not only that, the culture of death we are living in which was created by this very agenda, is now making it legal to abort the fully born, weak, and vulnerable human beings. Like the elderly people killed by euthanasia, and allowing the "hopeless" to have them selves "aborted" using assisted suicide!

As well as those babies who do survive the abortion attempts, who are then put on a shelf to suffocate to death! These things are "abortion on the born" If you think it will stop there you are wrong, the door is opened, and evil has walked through it! If you support any one of these things you are supporting evil, and the evil that comes with it! Yes I am being blunt but you know what, I won't tell you what you want to hear. I will tell you the truth.

I am using the word abortion in the sense that it means to abort a human life, or to terminate a human life, abort to put it simply, means to terminate something in this case a human life as we know it.

In all of the killing techniques I have mentioned, the human beings life is terminated by the will of another human being, even with assisted suicide no matter what, it is murder ( the unlawful killing of one human by another, especially with premeditated malice.) I am not saying that all abortion choicers (or pro choicers) are in favor of these other types of legal human life terminating techniques, but if you do or not you are just as much a part of it as the ones who created, and implement these things. Even if you take no stand on either direction your silence is approval!

Like I teach my kids if you see someone doing something that you know is wrong, and do nothing, then you are also to blame for the wrong thing that was being done!

We must always stand for life, we must always work to protect the lives of innocent human beings no matter what condition they are in, no matter how hopeless they or you think their life or situation is! There is always hope, and we must all love them, and never abandon them in their most needed time in their life!

We must not abandon that pregnant mother who feels hopeless, and allow her to see killing her child as an option, as a choice. We must teach that a mother must always save the life of her child when faced with the choice. This is a good start anyway in conquering the culture of death.

Will all murder and evil acts stop in this life? NO, unfortunately there will always be murder as there always has been. We will always have mothers killing their children, and brothers killing brothers! Does this mean in a civilized, and democratic society we should tolerate the legal, and un-prosecutable evil acts that plague our world? NO, we should not! As a human being I will not!  As a Christian I will not! As a spiritual person I will not! As a human being you should not either!

Should we make evil acts legal so that the evil doer can have a safe, and clean environment in which to do the evil act? NO, absolutely not, just because something can be done legally in a clean room does not for one second make it right! legal abortion makes as much sense as legal rape, legal drunk driving, legal child abuse, legal slavery!

Think about it!

Those are my thoughts and I am sticken to them!
Please read my companion article titled LIFE!

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Unborn Human Rights
Founded in 2008 Unborn Human Rights has reached thousands of people and counting, with the pro-life message. With your support we can do even more. 100% of your donation is used to support the work of Unborn Human Rights. For information about the goals of Unborn Human Rights see blog. Together we can educate people about the truth of abortion and adoption education. If you would like to contribute content to this blog contact Joann Utke. Please donate and help us continue to spread the message that says, We Can Love Them Both!

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